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red beets (1 kilo gram).
We pour water over the beets and cook until they are soft.
Let's peel the beets.
Let's slice the beets.
3 eggs.
1/2 cup of sugar (80 grams).
Let's thin it with a blender.
It's the perfect color, right?
1 glass of milk (200ml).
1/2 cup of vegetable oil (100 ml).
2 glasses of flour (240 grams).
1 packet of vanilla (5 grams).
1 packet baking powder (10 grams).
We have to sift the flour and mix it at the same time.
half a teaspoon, soft, butter.
We must apply the oil all over the mold.
1 tablespoon flour.
Let's shake the mold and let the flour stick to the oil so that the cake never sticks to the mold.
Let's pour the dough into the mold.
Let's mix it with a spatula so that it doesn't rise unevenly and shake it a little.
Let's bake in 180 ° C oven for 45 minutes.
for sauce.
2 tablespoons of cocoa (40 grams).
1 cup of sugar (160 grams).
1/2 cup of vegetable oil (100 ml).
1.5 glasses of milk (300 ml).
Let's mix until the cocoa lumps disappear.
We have to boil it without stopping stirring.
When it boils, let's take the sauce from the stove and keep it warm.
Let's make holes in the cake with a thin stick.
the cake should be warm. we shouldn't cool it.
on the hot cake. Let's pour boiling sauce.
Let it rest for 1 hour to absorb the sauce.
After 1 hour, let's remove the cake from the mold.
We can pour some more sauce on it.
this is pleasant to me and important for the development of the channel !.
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here it is ready, the cake. we can service.
Bon appetit to those who will try.
easy and delicious, you must try it.
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in the next recipe, hope to see you, goodbye.